Did you know a fern plant can last for years, even decades?
Ferns are one of the oldest plant groups on earth, even older than dinosaurs. They are also one of the hardest working plants as they are very good at taking in pollution from the environment to help keep our air clean.
The Victorians loved fern patterns on plates, glass, benches, dresses, wallpaper – everything! This was called the Victorian Fern Frenzy!
Fern beds can also be a frenzy of insect life – look out for woodlice, beetles, lacewings and ladybirds under the leaves.

#Jokebreak How did the tree get lost?…… It took the wrong root.
What does the Primrose flower mean?

A gift of primrose signified young love in Victorian times. Primroses often grow alongside ferns in shady areas of the garden. The flowers brighten up the garden early in the year and attract wildlife. The primrose is also associated with the character of Miss Matty in Elizabeth’s novel, Cranford.
Try it at home
A shady spot is also a great place for a bug hotel! Have a go at making one at home.