Online Talk: Cranford Illustrators – Which Bits Did They Illustrate?
As part of our A Love Affair with Cranford exhibition, Anthony Burton returns with a new talk exploring Cranford’s many illustrators. Surveying thirteen varied artists including women illustrators Margaret Wheelhouse, Evelyn Paul, Sybil Tawse, Christiana Hammond and Joan Hassall, he asks why they were attracted to illustrate certain aspects of Elizabeth Gaskell’s famous work that centred on the ‘Amazons’ of Cranford. The cow in flannel pyjamas? Few artists tried this but many depicted Miss Matty burning old letters and other aspects of the women’s lives. Most liked to draw people but few showed Cranford as a place. Do the illustrations offer a commentary on the ladies of Cranford or just occasional glimpses?
Ticket £4
“These talks are always really good: they feel friendly, relaxed and intimate, whilst being intellectually stimulating.” Visitor to online events
** Sales cease one hour before the event starts. Refer to your e-ticket for joining instructions. Please check your spam/junk email folder.**
You can also support the house by buying a copy of Cranford via this link.
Elizabeth Gaskell’s House is run by Manchester Historic Buildings Trust (charity no. 1080606) and all money gained through private tours, talks, room hire and ticket sales goes towards the ongoing maintenance and running costs of the house. If you would like to support the house with an additional donation you can do so via this link.
7pm - 8pm