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Online Talk: Elizabeth Gaskell and Charlotte Brontë – Fame and Fortune

Literary success brought great acclaim to authors Elizabeth Gaskell and Charlotte Brontë. Their debut novels, Mary Barton and Jane Eyre, brought them huge public attention. Both found themselves thrust into a new world of Victorian celebrity, alongside famous writers, artists and cultural figures such as John Ruskin and Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

So, how did these two gifted writers handle their new-found fame? Was Elizabeth Gaskell always keen for company? How did Charlotte Brontë’s legendary shyness affect her experience? Who did they meet? What did they think of them and what did the world make of these two very different women?

Charlotte Bronte

Join Anthony Burton, Gaskell Society, and Andrew Stodolny, Brontë Parsonage Museum, for a look at the celebrity world of two giants of English literature.

The last in our season of events about Charlotte Brontë and Elizabeth Gaskell in partnership with the Brontë Parsonage Museum.

Really enjoyed this series of collaborative talks.’  Audience member

Wednesday 22 May 2024, 7-8pm

£5 per ticket

**Refer to your e-ticket for joining instructions and links. Please check your spam/junk mail for ticket. This talk will also be recorded and all ticketholders will receive a link to the recording via TicketSource after the event.**

You can also support the house by buying The Life of Charlotte Brontë from our online shop via this link.

If you have any questions about this event, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.

Elizabeth Gaskell’s House is run by Manchester Historic Buildings Trust (charity no. 1080606) and all money gained through private tours, talks, room hire and ticket sales goes towards the ongoing maintenance and running costs of the House. If you would like to support the House with an additional donation you can do so via this link.

22nd May 2024

7pm - 8pm

Talk, Talks

a whispering of leaves and perfume of flowers always pervaded the rooms

Charlotte Brontë, on visiting 84 Plymouth Grove