What's On

Creative Writing Workshop: Character Sketch / Monologue (I)

Join us for a creative writing workshop where you’ll write a character sketch based on one of the servants from the House’s history. Using information and objects on display in our exhibition, Household Commotion, you’ll begin to create a character sketch, using info about the individual servants in the Gaskell household.  In this session you’ll work on the character sketch, and in the next session, you can develop the character by writing a monologue for him or her.  You’ll have the chance to add your finished monologue to the existing collection of Pen Portraits  – 10-minute monologues based on the Gaskell family and their circle – performed in the House on open days by our volunteers.


Final Session:

Monologue – May 22


24th Apr 2019

7pm - 9pm

New cooks always want their own peculiar little odds & ends for cookery

Elizabeth Gaskell 1863