Scene from BBC adaptation of North and South showing John Thornton and Higgins

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Online talk: North and South – The Preston Lockouts Anniversary

2023 marks the 170th anniversary of the Preston Lockouts – the historical strikes that informed the plot and themes of Elizabeth Gaskell’s classic romantic novel North and South and provided inspiration for Charles Dickens in Hard Times. When workers demanded a 10% wage increase in Preston in 1853, the factory owners simply locked the gates and left 18,000 people out of work. So, what really happened during the lock outs? Are characters like Mr Thornton and Higgins based on real people? And what was the impact of these events, both for the strikers themselves and for wider Victorian industrial relations?

Actors playing Margaret and Higgins North and South

Popular speaker Prof Michael Sanders from Manchester University explores the reality behind the strikes which inspired these groundbreaking ‘condition of England’ novels. Love finding out the historical truth behind your favourite novels? What are you waiting for? Book now!

The talk will be approx 45 mins long, with time for a short question session afterwards

It was absolutely superb – very informative and delivered with authority‘ Visitor to previous event

Wednesday 29 November, 7-8pm

Tickets £5

**Refer to your e-ticket for joining instructions and links. Please check your spam/junk mail for ticket. This talk will also be recorded and all ticketholders will receive a link to the recording via TicketSource after the event.**

You can also support the House by buying North and South from our online shop via this link.

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Elizabeth Gaskell’s House is run by Manchester Historic Buildings Trust (charity no. 1080606) and all money gained through private tours, talks, room hire and ticket sales goes towards the ongoing maintenance and running costs of the House. If you would like to support the House with an additional donation you can do so via this link.

29th Nov 2023

7pm - 8pm

Talk, Talks

Plans are like a card-house-if one gives way, all the others come rattling about your head

Elizabeth Gaskell, 1864