Victorian woman in blue dress writing at her desk

What's On

Online Talk: Writing Women

Join Dr Diane Duffy for a special look at 19th century women writers’ experiences, starting with Elizabeth Gaskell and reflecting on the lives of giants of literature including Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Brontë and George Eliot. How were their experiences different to male writers? What did the reading public think of women? How did women writers manage the domestic and creative life? Did they stretch or break the boundaries of convention? Find out more about the writing lives of some of your favourite 19th century writers.

The talk will be approx 45 mins long, with time for a short question session afterwards

‘I was impressed at the knowledge of Dr Duffy. She is an interesting speaker….It was illuminating!’

Wednesday 22 March, 7-8pm

Tickets £5

**Refer to your e-ticket for joining instructions and links. Please check your spam/junk mail for ticket. This talk will also be recorded and all ticketholders will receive a link to the recording via TicketSource after the event.**

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Elizabeth Gaskell’s House is run by Manchester Historic Buildings Trust (charity no. 1080606) and all money gained through private tours, talks, room hire and ticket sales goes towards the ongoing maintenance and running costs of the house. If you would like to support the house with an additional donation you can do so via this link.

22nd Mar 2023

7pm - 8pm

Talk, Talks

Plans are like a card-house-if one gives way, all the others come rattling about your head

Elizabeth Gaskell, 1864