What's On

Talk: Peterloo 1819 – 2019

What are the Gaskell connections with Peterloo? Join us to find out, in this fascinating afternoon talk on Peterloo with historian Robert Poole, author of new book Peterloo: the English Uprising (Open University Press), and co-creator of Peterloo, a graphic novel drawn entirely from eyewitness accounts of the time.

Robert’s talk will mark the bicentenary, in August, of this major episode in the history of Manchester and of British democracy.

Come along to meet the author and expert on Peterloo, and to find out more.

Robert’s books will be available to buy on the day.



Robert Poole is consultant historian to the Peterloo 2019 anniversary programme. He is a Professor of History at the University of Central Lancashire.

Find out more about Peterloo , the graphic novel co-created by Robert Poole, here





Free with House entry 

18th Sep 2019

1pm - 1.45pm


Plans are like a card-house-if one gives way, all the others come rattling about your head

Elizabeth Gaskell, 1864