Gaskell House Blogs

What a difference a week makes!

11th May 2018
in blog, Garden

“ was a very still, quiet day, I remember, overhead; and the lilacs were all in flower, so I suppose it was spring.”

Cranford. Chapter 6.

It was a busy day for the gardeners. The good weather has brought everything on; the dahlias are starting to push their shoots above the soil, the shrubs are in bloom or about to start and the granny’s bonnets are just about to flower. The lawn was scarified, cut and fed, seedlings planted out, and weeding continued (as ever!)

Photos: Top row;  Azalea luteum, Iris florentina, bluebells.

Middle row; Guelder rose, vincas around holly bushes, pheasants eye

Bottom row;  welsh poppies and purple bugle.

“The yellow rose had clambered up to the window of Mr Benson’s bedroom.”

Ruth. Chapter 21.

Parks’ Yellow Tea-scented China Rose (1824)

The guides brought the home alive. It was inspiring to hear about this woman and extraordinary family

Visitor to the House in 2021