Gaskell House Blogs

The NEW EGH Under 25s Volunteer Group

16th August 2019
in blog, Volunteering

We are a group of young volunteers (aged 18-25)  at the Elizabeth Gaskell House who have recently set up an under 25s group which will aim to recruit more young people as volunteers for the House, as well as encourage them to visit and take part in events. 

We would like to appeal to a variety of young people who have many different interests, from those studying English Literature or History and who want to learn more about Elizabeth Gaskell’s novels and Manchester in the 19th Century to teenagers who would like to gain experience in events’ management, gardening, or simply want to try something new by volunteering at a beautiful historic house.

To do this, we wish to work with local schools, colleges and universities to raise awareness of the Elizabeth Gaskell’s House for young people. We are hoping to visit various careers’ fairs in the new academic year to promote volunteering and work experience here for teenagers and young adults from all different backgrounds.

We will use the Elizabeth Gaskell’s House social media accounts to give our target audience an insight into life at the house. On Facebook, Twitter and Instagram we will post photos and written accounts from our young volunteers of their experiences and the benefits of volunteering at House and being part of the group. 

On Friday 22 November there will be a Teen Digital Takeover Day for young people who visit or work in museums, so this will be a perfect opportunity for us to promote youth volunteering at the Elizabeth Gaskell House through our online platforms.

We are aiming, above all, to become a support group for new young recruits. If you are interested in getting involved contacted us at

Volunteer and Under 25 group member 

This project is part of a National Lottery Funded Heritage project made possible by money raised by National Lottery players, which aims to support Elizabeth Gaskell’s House’s  long-term sustainability, so that it can continue to remain open and accessible to the people of Manchester and beyond.

To begin with the old rigmarole of childhood…

Wives and Daughters