
New Xstitch inspired cards now on sale

15th September 2017
in news

We are very excited to reveal the following three new card designs from 8bitnorthxstitch which are now available to buy when you visit Elizabeth Gaskell’s House.

Commissioned exclusively for Elizabeth Gaskell’s House and designed by self-confessed serial cross stitcher Michelle (@8bitnortherner) these new cards are on sale for £3 each and feature Elizabeth Gaskell, her novels and some of the Gaskell family’s most famous friends.

Michelle was very enthusiastic about the commission “I was really excited to be approached by the House Manager about making a range of cards for Elizabeth Gaskell’s House, as I’m a long-time fan of Mrs Gaskell’s writing. I had a vague idea about what I wanted to create, but after visiting Plymouth Grove and reading her letters I really began to appreciate what a vital role the home played in her life, creativity and work, and so was inspired to represent parts of the architecture and collection in the designs.

I’ve loved every moment of this commission, learning more about the history of her house and Elizabeth’s day-to-day life living there (Elizabeth Gaskell’s House has the loveliest and most knowledgeable volunteers I’ve ever met); but most heartening to me is seeing the Gaskell Family spirit of industriousness, generosity, and inclusivity being applied to its sympathetic restoration, and how its doors have been opened wide to the Manchester community.”

The cards are available to buy from the Tea Room and Shop priced £3 each. We do hope we can sell these online for fans who are unable to visit the House but this will take a little longer to set up. Watch this space!

You can buy other designs by 8bitnorthxstitch via her shop etsy –


And we've got a house. Yes! we really have

Elizabeth Gaskell, 1850