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Trustee Vacancies

19th April 2024
in news

By becoming a trustee you can support the incredible work of our staff and volunteers, and be part of the team saving a vital part of Manchester’s literary heritage.

We have several vacancies on our board as trustees reach the end of their period of office and we want to take this opportunity to widen the range of skills and backgrounds represented. As we enter our second decade we have ambitions to reach wider audiences, develop our visitor offer and play a full part in the cultural life of Manchester.

We welcome applications from people with a wide range of skills and experience and will look positively on applications from people from all backgrounds to create a board that reflects the city and our commitment to equality and diversity.

You don’t need to have had any former trustee experience. If you have experience in charity governance or leadership then that’s fantastic. However, it is not a requirement, as we will provide induction and opportunities for development to support you in your role. All our trustees must be willing to learn about charity governance and be committed to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion.

Several of our trustees volunteer at the House, although this is not obligatory. However, we do expect trustees to take a close interest in and support the activities of the House wherever possible. You may be asked to join a working group for a particular project. Also, the AGM and two meetings per year take place in person and therefore we prefer candidates who are North-West based.

Currently, we would like to strengthen our board in the following areas:

We welcome applications from individuals with these skills, but other skills are also welcome

Full details on the role, about Elizabeth Gaskell’s House and what it means to be a Trustee at Elizabeth Gaskell’s House can be found in the Trustee Recruitment Pack.

Click here to download our Trustee Recruitment Pack

How to Apply

Please refer to the Recruitment Pack via the link above for full details.

Please send us your CV and a covering letter highlighting your relevant experience and why you want
to be a trustee for Elizabeth Gaskell’s House. As stated in the recruitment pack we are willing to discuss alternative accessible methods of making an application if required.

Send your application to

Deadline: Friday 31 May 2024. (the deadline for the Treasurer role is 28 June)

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview and tour of the House, either in person or on Zoom
depending on your preference. Interview questions will be sent in advance.

The interruptions of home life are never ending

Elizabeth Gaskell 1863