
Young Trustee Vacancies

4th September 2024
in news

Elizabeth Gaskell’s House is approaching its 10th anniversary of opening to the public and this marks an exciting time for the charity.  We are looking to recruit two trustees aged 18-30 to help us develop and progress as we enter our second decade.   

During 2024 Elizabeth Gaskell’s House is taking part in the ‘Engaging your First Young Trustees’ programme with Kids in Museums which will provide additional support to the organisation during the recruitment process. The House has a long-standing commitment to the representation of young people in our staff & volunteer teams. 10% of our volunteers are aged 18-25 and half of our staff team are under 30, and we want to see this is reflected at Board level.

This is a voluntary role but access costs related to meeting the duties of the role can be covered. The organisation is also committed to giving our young trustees development opportunities that we hope will enable them to learn new skills and gain experience in a trustee role. 

For detailed information about the role and how to apply please download our application pack here

The deadline for applications is 11 October.

And we've got a house. Yes! we really have

Elizabeth Gaskell, 1850