Gaskell House Blogs

A Licence to Draw

26th September 2017
in blog

Have you ever wanted to record your memories of a visit using your own sketches and illustrations? If the answer is yes then you might be interested in joining our new Sketching Elizabeth Gaskell’s House Workshop on Friday 10 November led by Urban Sketcher Liz Ackerley.

One of our volunteers has been on one of Liz Ackerly’s courses previously and has very kindly shared her thoughts and experiences.


I signed up to one of Liz’s beginners’ drawing courses with quite low expectations having long ago lost whatever confidence I once had in my ability to draw. I bought the minimum number of pens and pencils required but left them all cellophane-wrapped until the day of the course.

Once there, however, Liz made it seem like the most natural thing in the world to just pick them up and start. And we drew. We drew each other and the room we were in and what we saw through the window. We were quickly absorbed and Liz was quietly encouraging. It was just what I needed – a kind of licence to draw.

Now I’m really looking forward to another session in which I hope we’ll be able to try drawing this lovely house that belonged to Elizabeth Gaskell.


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