
Forgotten Novels – The Hidden Stories of the 19th and early 20th Century

2nd February 2022
in blog, blogsNnews, Events, Gaskell House Blogs, Literature, news

Fancy rediscovering some of the forgotten women novelists of the Victorian and Edwardian era? This new online course with Sherry Ashworth starting in September may be for you! Women’s writing was often dismissed as romantic, sensationalist and lesser than men’s writing. So can we reclaim these neglected women’s novels?

Under Sherry’s expert guidance you can discover a range of ‘new’ writing starting with Elizabeth Gaskell’s own overlooked short novel, Cousin Phillis. Then tuck into lesser known works to discover stories about female power and Victorian business, unrequited love in London’s Jewish community and a Bengali feminist science-fiction utopia. Perfect for extending your knowledge of Victorian literature and finding some new favourite writers along the way.

Places are limited so book now

Forgotten Novels – Cousin Phillis by Elizabeth Gaskell (1864) Wed 14th Sept, 7-9pm

Forgotten Novels – Hester by Margaret Oliphant (1883) Wed 12th Oct, 7-9pm

Forgotten Novels –  Reuben Sachs by Amy Levy (1888) Wed 9th Nov, 7-9pm

Forgotten Novels – Sultana‘s Dream by Royeka Hossain (Begum Royeka) (1905) Wed 14th Dec, 7-9pm

Mr Thornton is coming to tea

North and South, Elizabeth Gaskell